Wednesday 16 October 2013

Dredd Essay.

1 comment:

  1. Krish

    You have a clear line of opinion in this response (though be careful not to lose control of the formality).

    In paragraph 2 you'd have benefited from establishing what 'success' means. Is it purely financial or it it critical? If comparing with Iron Man make sure you have the box office takings for both. Also when highlighting the problems with 3D make use of the research we did and explain how many 2D v 3D screens Dredd was available on.

    Well done for mentioning the marketing BUT to move to a higher band you would need to link this marketing to audience, explain how and why you'd target your audience (think about who they are and how much money you have to target them).

    You do well to offer an opinion when predicting the future and touch on quite a few areas.

    Argument 13/25
    Evidence 13/25

    26/50 D

    There is load of potential here to hit at least a C on your next effort. Well done.
